White Widow: Identification, Prevention, and Removal

Any widow spider is scary to have around your home. When you see a white widow spider the white color can make them appear even scarier. 

It can be hard to identify and get rid of white widow spiders. Don’t worry, I’m here to help. In this post, I will go over how to identify and get rid of white widow spiders. 

Let’s get started. 

What Do White Widows Look Like?

White widow spiders are white, off-white, or beige with darker legs. In contrast to other widow spider species, white widow spiders don’t have the signature red hourglass under the abdomen. 

White widows also tend to be smaller than other species of widow spiders. 

  • Size: white widows grow to be around 3.4mm. Females are slightly larger than males.  
  • Coloration: Head and legs are darker; abdomens are beige or white. 


Where Do White Widows Live? (Distribution)

White widows are found worldwide, including North America, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

White widows are a rare species and are not as common as black or brown widows.

Do White Widows really exist?

Yes, white widows are real. Many people believe that white widows are not real white widows, but they are real and a distinct species of white widows.

They are connected to black widows, especially in size, body shape, and potential lethality of untreated bites. However, white windows lack the abdomen mark that black widows have.

How dangerous are White Widows?

White widows are toxic like many other species of widow spiders.

These spiders are very dangerous compared to other species of spiders. White widows aren’t as deadly as black or brown widows, but their bites are still painful and dangerous.

Their bites are particularly dangerous and potentially deadly to kids, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

Are White Widows Venemous?

Yes, white widows are venemous like most other species of widow spiders.

Their bites are particularly dangerous and potentially deadly to kids, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

Toxicology reports show that their venom is highly similar to that of a black widow and a brown widow. Although their venom is less potent their bites are still deadly if not treated properly. 

How To Get Rid of White Widow Spiders?

1. Seal Entry Points

Close each entry point to eliminate white widow spiders. They can only enter your home with open entry points. Despite the length and size of white widows, they can still get inside tiny points of entry.

Here are specific areas to seal off so that white widow can’t get into your home.

  • Replace or fix screen doors
  • Weatherproof windows and doors
  • Spread bug screen on attics/basement vents
  • Spread caulk on holes, crevices, cracks in and out of your home
  • Put door sweeps on each door
  • Use a screen door if you keep your doors open

These actions will make it easier to keep spiders out of your home. Next, we’ll get into removing spiders already within your home.

2. Clean and Sanitize Your Home

Eliminate any clutter to get white widows out of your home. Clutter is a magnet for white widow spiders. It gives them dark, hidden places to create webs without disruption. Besides, hiding places attract other insects besides spiders. 

Put your items in boxes and bags to remove nesting places for all insects, including spiders. 

Key areas to declutter and cleanse are as follows: 

  • Unused rooms
  • Storage rooms
  • Behind furniture
  • Under furniture
  • Cellars
  • Basements
  • Storage
  • Garages
  • Closets

3. Eliminate Food Sources

White widows invade homes due to abundant food sources. If you have white widows, you likely have other insects within or surrounding your home. You, therefore, need to get rid of other insects infesting your home.

You want to eliminate any potential food sources around your home or inside your home. Outdoors insecticide barriers are effective at eliminating many small insects. Indoors you can use a localized insecticide treatment to eliminate any potential food sources that spiders could feed on.

4. Remove Moisture and Humidity

Humid and moist places bring in white widows. Therefore, you need to get rid of these attractive places. If you have any leaks, take out the water source. Also, be sure to replace busted water sources.

Areas damaged by busted water sources and moisture attract white widows. Unfortunately, that’s the case even once the water sources have been handled.

Some spots within your home have greater humidity than others. Try using a dehumidifier in the following places:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Attics
  • Basements
  • Cellars
  • Empty rooms
  • Storage rooms
  • A/C rooms
  • Rooms with diffusers or humidifiers
  • Rooms with water features or fish tank

5. Apply Insecticides indoors and Outdoors

Since white widows typically gather outdoors, you might not need insecticide within your home. You’ll only need it inside if you have a huge infestation. Residual effect insecticide is the best one to use.  

 Residual Spray

Residual spray is most potent against white widow spiders. It will eliminate any spiders that come across the spray for 

up to three to six months. 

Apply insecticide to three feet along the floor and three feet along the walls. This will create an effective barrier around your home against any spiders or other insects. 

Other areas to apply residual spray are as follows: 

  • Windows
  • Doorways
  • Garages
  • Sheds
  • Patios
  • Plants
  • Grass
  • Outdoor structures

Before applying insecticide, check the label to make sure it’s safe to use on plants. Also, confirm how long kids and animals should wait before coming into contact with the grass. 

6. Deter White Widows From Your Home

Repel spiders by employing precautionary steps to back up treatment processes. For instance, expel roaches and flies, both of which draw in spiders.

For starters, clean and sanitize attentively. Spiders hate homes that are clean because of fewer hiding spots. Vacuum and sweep away eggs, sacs, and spider webs if you see them—store food in sealed packages to repel roaches, ants, etc.

First, clean vigilantly, as spiders avoid very clean homes due to the lack of hiding places.
Be sure to sweep down or vacuum up spider webs and egg sacs whenever you see them. Also, remove clutter such as filthy clothing, used paper, and other trash.

If you have other insect issues, use the appropriate pest control and other pesticides. Also, employ the following precautionary steps to keep spiders out.

Closer crevices and cracks to keep spiders out. Use fine mesh insect screens on your vents.

Set caulk near faucets, cables, wires, and additional electrical parts that extend outdoors.

  • Fix or replace busted window screens; set caulk onto window gaps.
  • Avoid spider prey by shutting off outside lights or using lights with yellow sodium vapor.
  • Eliminate vegetation within eight feet of your home’s perimeter. Spiders and other insects consume ivy, trees, and shrubs.
  • Employ spider control for indoor and outdoor use. Keep other insects out of your home to avoid attracting spiders.

How Can You Recognize A False Widow Spider?

False widows greatly resemble black widow spiders. This is due to their tiny heads, sizable abdomens, and long legs.

● Color: Dark, glossy brown
● Size: 12mm for females; 8mm for males
● The top abdomen has silver/light grey marks
● Faint leg patterns
● Abdomens usually darker than legs
● Abdomen lacks any markings

What To Do If a White Widow Spider Bites You?

If you think a black widow spider has bitten you, do the following: 

  • Seek immediate medical assistance. Phone your hospital, poison control center, or doctor.
  • Stay cool. Venom flows into the blood more quickly if you move or become excited.
  • Put ice on the place where you were bitten
  • Steer clear of any tourniquets which can hurt more than help. 
  • Try to pinpoint the spider or verify its type by capturing it.

How Can You Recognize A False Widow Spider?

False widows greatly resemble black widow spiders. This is due to their tiny heads, sizable abdomens, and long legs.
● Color: Dark, glossy brown
● Size: 12mm for females; 8mm for males
● Top abdomen has silver/light grey marks
● Faint leg patterns
● Abdomens usually darker than legs
● Abdomen lacks any markings

Symptoms of White Widow spider bites

White widow and black widow spider bites have the same symptoms. You wouldn’t be able to distinguish the different bites without viewing the spider.

Black widow spider bites symptoms can comprise the following:

● Swelling and pain. Bites can trigger swelling and pain that carries over to your chest, back, or belly.
● Cramping. Intense cramps in your stomach can be confused for a ruptured appendix or appendicitis.
● Sweating. You could undergo sweat, nausea, or chills.

People with damaged immune systems and also children are significantly endangered by these bits.

Bites are dangerous for children and those with a compromised immune system

More often than not, the following symptoms comprise bites from black widows:

● Mild to intense pain before redness and swelling of the bite’s area
● One to two small red areas like fang marks.

Sometimes, intense symptoms materialize within a half-hour to one hour. Here are the symptoms:

● Increasingly worse spasms and muscle cramps near the bite that expand between six to 12 hours.
● Vomiting, sweating, chills, nausea, fever
● Intense back, chest, or belly pain
● Headache
● Shock, restlessness, stupor
● High blood pressure at intense levels


What are black and white widow spiders?

Black and white widow spiders are likely false widow spiders. If you see one that resembles a widow with black and white colors, it’s a false widow spider.

White widows are only white; they lack a lot of black on their heads or abdomens.

False black widows are named after lethal black widows and generally within populations of humans. They can be found in Europe, Australia, and North America.

Brown house spiders, cupboard spiders, and dark comb footed spiders are additional names of false widows.

Other common names for the false widow spider are the cupboard spiders, brown house spider, or dark comb footed spider.


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